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While birds are very beneficial creatures and play a key role in our ecosystem, it’s important to understand the impacts bird pests can have on your house, garden, trees, and your health.

Bird Pest Damage

Birds and pigeons can also do thousands of dollars in property damage by establishing a nest on your home or in your attic. Bird removal services are needed when these pests decide to make your home their home.

Bird Pests and Disease

Birds are the largest population of vectors of disease second only to rats, which means they can carry many diseases over great distances and can pose a serious threat to human health. In urban settings, city pigeons are a considerable pest.

Do you have birds building a nest on your roof or in your attic? If so, call us today for bird nest removal service. We specialize in humanely removing birds and pigeons by using methods that have been tested for years to be highly effective.

Call us today to discuss your pigeon or bird removal service needs.

Get a bird removal service online here.