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Your Yard and Lawn Tick Extermination & Tick Control Pro!

Ticks are sometimes associated with mites and are a common domestic pest. These creatures can often produce painful bites to humans as well as domesticated cats and dogs.

Unfortunately, the bite of a tick may also harbor many complex diseases which are sometimes life-threatening. Ticks carry many well-known diseases such as Lyme Disease or tick fever, both of which can lead to paralysis and other complicated medical conditions.

We provide expert yard tick exterminating services for various types of ticks including:

Dog Ticks

Blacklegged Ticks or Deer Ticks

Lone Star Ticks

Rocky Mountain Wood Ticks

Gulf Coast Ticks

Pacific Coast Tick

Western-Blacklegged Tick

Cayenne Tick

We provide expert yard tick exterminating services for various types of ticks including:

Do you have tick pests keeping you from enjoying your lawn or backyard? If so, call us today. We specialize in removing and exterminating tick infestations from yards and homes. We utilize specialized equipment for maximum tick control and extermination.

Call us today to discuss complete yard tick extermination.

Schedule a tick extermination treatment service online.